FLAG-Me CIC was incorporated as a Social Enterprise on 24th April 2023 as a non-profit set up to deliver the products we have created arising from the FLAG-Me Vision work. This was undertaken whilst Founder (Riste) was employed at The University of Manchester, in a post funded by NIHR Greater Manchester Patient Safety Translational Research Centre (PSTRC), now NIHR Greater Manchester Patient Safety Research Collaborative (PSRC). This work was inspired by findings that:
• People with sight impairments are at increased risk of medication errors (REF – Scoping review) and reading about people with sight impairments (PwSI) who had died, as a result of medication errors.
• The idea of developing an ‘App’ to help PwSI manage their medication adds to their ‘patient work’ and is exacerbated by virtue of their sight impairment (REF: Stakeholder engagement work with Henshaws).
• A communication ‘mismatch’ exists between patients thinking pharmacists are aware of their sight impairments and pharmacists expecting patients will tell them. Patients don’t due to thinking pharmacists already have access to medical records to dispense medicines and the vulnerability and distress telling them in public might have (REF: Co-design workshops with PwSI and Community Pharmacists).
By setting up as a Social Enterprise we hope to attract start-up funding, and be able to develop a self-sustaining model which will allow us to extend our reach both in terms of other impairments /disabilities and expand into other healthcare sectors: hospital pharmacies, general practice.
The FLAG-Me CIC Team
The CIC has four Directors:
- Lisa Riste (Founder)
- Kim Jaye (lead sight impaired patient contributor),
- Nish Gangani (lead community pharmacy contributor)
- Leigh Wharton (Business Advisor).