We have open vacancies for a part-time project to be run during the spring term of 2024.
Provisional information about the projects we are recruiting for, and information on how to apply, is given below.
Details of the Posts
The project will run from semester 2 in 2024. The base pay rate is £11.84 per hour, with an additional holiday payment on top of this. Payment is made monthly in arrears.
It is expected that the projects will be run on campus but with some scope for flexible and hybrid working. Each team will set their own core hours when all team members must be present on campus and available for work. For example, typical core hours for Imago teams are 10.00am to 3.00pm. Additional hours are worked at a time and place convenient to each team member.
The posts are open to any undergraduate student studying at the University of Manchester who is eligible to work in the UK, including students who will graduate this summer. Note that students must be resident in the UK for the duration of the project (apart from weeks taken as holiday) to be eligible for the work.
We especially welcome applications from members of groups who are under-represented in the software engineering profession. We aim to recruit diverse teams for Imago, containing a mixture of experienced team members and inexperienced but talented junior team members. Working for Imago is a great way to bootstrap your personal portfolio and add some real development experience to your CV.
The Projects
MelonTech Phase III
We have vacancies for 3-4 developers to further build software for MelonTech, a University of Manchester research start-up that is developing tools to help patients with Congenital Hyperinsulinism (CHI). One treatment approach is to use Continuous Glucose Monitoring, in which an in-body monitor reports glucose levels to a central server. The research that MelonTech is based on uses new approaches to analysing and visualising the glucose results, to help patients better manage their condition by linking lifestyle choices to incidents of high blood glucose.
The project will involve further expanding the toolset needed by MelonTech’s own experts, their clients and the end-users of the tool. It is expected that trials with real users will be run during the project, and marketing/sales materials (such as demo videos of the tools) may need to be created.
The project will give experience in building tools for medical data in a SaaS environment, as well as interacting with clients to support the early stage development of a research-based startup. Applicants should have excellent programming and system design skills, and an interest in learning how to write code that meets regulatory and ethical guidelines, as well as being thoroughly tested.
How to Apply
The deadline for applications is: 11.00pm GMT on Thursday, 4th January 2024.
To apply, log in to your University of Manchester Office 365 account and complete the following form: https://forms.office.com/e/9e3jQCpCPQ
Note that the form closes for applications at the deadline.
You will need to use your University of Manchester Office 365 account to submit a response to the form. Applicants who have not worked for Imago before will be asked to submit an up-to-date CV, showcasing your skills and experience.
Your CV can optionally provide links to your personal portfolio of projects, to showcase your abilities.
Appointments to the posts will primarily be made on the basis of an interview, but in some cases we may make an offer based on the CV and application alone.
Employment with Imago is subject to confirmation of the applicant’s right to work in the UK, and a willingness to comply with University staff policies on ownership of IP and non-disclosure of confidential information.
Note: some of the posts we are advertising here are still going through the process of approval by the University and so may be subject to changes before the posts can begin.
More information about Imago can be found at imago.cs.manchester.ac.uk.