Akshit Atmakuri, our Technical Comms Officer for summer 2024, writes about his experiences attending a pilot meeting of our new Open Source Software Club.

Akshit Atmakuri, our Technical Comms Officer for summer 2024, writes about his experiences attending a pilot meeting of our new Open Source Software Club.
Returning to the University after a year in industry, Imago alumni Nikitha reflects on what she learnt about being a productive software engineer during her time at Imago and how it helped her deliver reliable features fast.
You are invited to upcoming Tech Talk inviting Matt Squire from Fuzzy Labs. Matthew Squire (Fuzzy labs) Matt is CTO and co-founder at Fuzzy Labs, with interests in AI, bio-inspired computing, and functional programming. Often found inside Emacs. An introduction to Matcha — an open source tool for provisioning machine learning infrastructure Wednesday 2nd August […]
Bozhidar reflects on his first experience with Imago and how he put long forgotten video game hosting skills to good use in a project to move a famous agile coaching game online.
Working with clients is challenging but the rewards of delighting your client by developing software that really delivers on their needs make it worthwhile. Ingy reflects on her Imago summer project experience and draws some lessons for working with non-technical clients.
We helped a group of researchers from the Alliance Manchester Business School (AMBS) and Caritas Diocese of Salford by developing a digital version of a toolkit that facilitates online service delivery in the charity and voluntary sector. The toolkit aims to help the sector design online versions of services that retain the warmth and personal […]
LCT and its Tech Stack What is LCT: LCT is a local contact tracing application developed by Michael Corning of the Soteria Institute alongside Enduring Net’s Ser-huang Poon. It aims to help fight the spread of Covid-19 in local communities and or large organisations. Tech stack: LCT is a dockerized JavaScript-based web app, with a VUE.js-based UI and a Redis, Socket.io, Node.js backend. The Imago Team’s […]
How much can a team of 6 University of Manchester undergraduate students achieve, working for 7 hours a week, in just 2 months? The answer is: a lot! We tried this experiment this spring, as we ran our final batch of projects under the aegis of the Institute of Coding. We’ve run full-time summer projects […]
Anonymous Local Contact Tracing has been developed to reduce the spread of the virus by our team as part of an initiative taken by our partners The Soteria Institute (soteriainstitute.org) and Enduring Net (enduringnet.org). LCT is designed to be deployed with minimal time and financial resources. LCT is a grassroots initiative adopted and used inside […]
It is widely acknowledged that an internship empowers students to gain the skills and experience that they need to get started with their careers later on. It can also provide students with real working experience, letting students know if their aspirations match the job reality. Why Imago can provide students with real-world experience? Imago is […]