Tech Talk Viewpoint

Working with clients, what to avoid and how to enjoy the journey

Working with clients is challenging but the rewards of delighting your client by developing software that really delivers on their needs make it worthwhile. Ingy reflects on her Imago summer project experience and draws some lessons for working with non-technical clients.

Tech Talk

A Mess of a Merge: How I Fought Git and Won

LCT and its Tech Stack What is LCT: LCT is a local contact tracing application developed by Michael Corning of the Soteria Institute alongside Enduring Net’s Ser-huang Poon. It aims to help fight the spread of Covid-19 in local communities and or large organisations. Tech stack: LCT is a dockerized JavaScript-based web app, with a VUE.js-based UI and a Redis,, Node.js backend. The Imago Team’s […]